NEFA - The North East Folklore Archive

Sailing, Whaling, Drilling

A pilot music project led by composer Kenneth Dempster and involving two primary schools in Peterhead.

"Our visits to the two schools are designed to explore a variety of topics to do with Sailing, Whaling & Drilling. We have discussed with the children the history and tradition of whaling, the benefits of the industry to North East Scotland, and the dangers to the long-term survival of the whales and seals. We have also discussed the maritime environment and how each of us has a responsibility to help improve the quality of the world's oceans; this includes the industries that are based at sea, as well as the disposal of waste from land.

Our final goal is to present a show to our families and friends, a piece of music-theatre that will contain music, dance, words and action that will express our thoughts and feelings about living by the sea. Based largely on the children's own ideas, the show will be the result of an exciting collaboration between the children and a variety of visiting artists." Kenneth Dempster.


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